5 Signs You Might Have Low T - And What You Can Do About It

Did you know? The average testosterone level has dropped 50% since the 1980s... You can blame environmental endocrine disruptors, stress, or simply getting older for your declining T-levels. It's not just men, either. Women are exposed to significantly more environmental toxins and hormone disruptors through chemicals in makeup, birth control, and more. Women require some testosterone, too, for a healthy sex drive and to maintain muscle mass.  

Here are ten signs you might be struggling with low T:

1. You're always tired

It's tough to keep up with your workout routine when you're constantly dragging yourself around like a zombie. Low testosterone levels can lead to fatigue, so if you find yourself dozing off during the day or struggling to get through your workouts, it might be time to get your levels checked.

2. You're losing muscle mass

If you're working out regularly but not seeing the gains you used to, low testosterone could be to blame. Testosterone is essential for building muscle, so if your levels are low, you may start to lose muscle mass.

3. You're gaining weight

Low testosterone can cause your body to store more fat, especially around the waist. If you've noticed your pants getting tighter or you've started carrying around a few extra pounds, it could be a sign of low testosterone.

4. You're moody

Low testosterone can cause irritability, depression, and mood swings. If you find yourself snapping at loved ones or feeling down for no reason, it could be a sign that your testosterone levels are low.

5. You're having trouble in the bedroom

Low testosterone can cause erectile dysfunction and a decreased sex drive. If you're struggling to perform in the bedroom, it might be time to get your testosterone levels checked.  

Here are some ways you can optimize your testosterone levels:

Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for optimal testosterone levels. A study in the Journal of Andrology found that men who slept for only 4 hours had lower testosterone levels than men who slept for 8 hours. aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Clean Up Your Diet

Eating a diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs can help optimize testosterone levels. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks, which can promote inflammation and lead to weight gain.

Optimize Micronutrients

Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Zinc are all essential for optimal testosterone levels. You can get Vitamin D from spending time in the sun, and you can get magnesium and zinc from foods like dark leafy greens, nuts, and seeds.

Chill TF Out

Chronic stress can lead to low testosterone levels. If you're feeling stressed, try relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. You can also try scheduling some "me time" into your day to do things you enjoy. Many people see great benefit with adaptogens like ashwagandha and shilajit - these help the body adapt to stress and promote balance.

Get enough vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for testosterone production. A study in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that men who took vitamin C supplements had higher testosterone levels than men who didn't.

Avoid Soy (If You're Male)

Soy contains phytoestrogens, which can mimic estrogen in the body and lead to lower testosterone levels. If you want to boost your testosterone levels, avoid soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, and edamame.

Avoid environmental toxins

Exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides and lead can lead to low testosterone levels. To protect your health, avoid exposure to these toxins as much as possible.

Quit smoking

Smoking cigarettes can lead to low testosterone levels. A study in the Journal of Urology found that men who smoked had lower testosterone levels than men who didn't smoke. If you want to boost your testosterone levels, quitting smoking is a good place to start.

Smoking marijuana contains phytoestrogens and is known to disrupt the endocrine system in both men and women.

Get your hormone levels checked

If you suspect you have low testosterone levels, it's important to get your hormone levels checked by a doctor.

Low testosterone is a treatable condition, so getting diagnosed and starting treatment can help improve your symptoms.

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