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Purus Labs ReCycle (100 Caps)

Purus Labs ReCycle (100 Caps)

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A plethora of medical research has been combed through tenaciously to formulate the most avant-garde, natural endogenous testosterone amplifier this industry has ever seen. Purus Labs ReCycleTM was strategically designed to address all the major endocrinological issues associated with optimizing testosterone levels.

ReCycle elevates free testosterone by increasing natural production of Lutenizing Hormone, inhibits estrogen by blocking the nasty aromatase enzyme, cripples SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) so testosterone molecules can be unbound to exert their anabolic effects, blocks DHT by preventing it from binding to the androgen receptor, lowers cortisol, and fully rejuvenates the HPTA (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testicular Axis) allowing for maximum anabolism and minimal catabolism. ALL constituents of the ReCycleTM hormone exhilaration matrix have been substantiated through peer reviewed medical/scientific research and testing. Consider all other natural testosterone boosters OBSOLETE!

HPTA Upregulating Matrix - (SHBG Inhibition/ Cortisol Suppression)
(Lutenizing Hormone Elevation/ Free Testosterone Elicitation)
Hopefully we all know by now, it's not total endogenous Testosterone that matters, but more importantly free, unbound Testosterone. This is the Testosterone free to engage the androgen receptors and carry out transcription. The more free, unbound testosterone circulating through your body the more unbridled muscle growth you will attain! Therefore, our first priority is to increase Testosterone levels through multiple means and prevent it from being bound and rendered inactive.
To increase testosterone we must first understand the complex means through which it is produced...the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis. Without boring you to death, I will briefly try and expound. The Hypothalamus links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the Pituitary gland and both synthesize and secrete neurohormones such as Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) also known as Luteinizing-Hormone-Releasing-Hormone (LHRH). This, in turn, stimulates the anterior Pituitary to release Lutenizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH). Once LH reaches the testes it initiates the Leydig cells to begin synthesizing Testosterone from cholesterol through a series of conversions. So as you've probably deduced, increasing LH is one way to increase Testosterone production.
However, there is a vexing little glycoprotein produced by the liver and testes called Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG), a.k.a. androgen-binding protein. SHBG attaches to testosterone molecules rendering them inactive and useless.
Therefore, inhibiting SHBG is another way to increase Testosterone. So far we've established the need to increase Lutenizing Hormone, blunt SHBG, and suppress cortisol in order to increase "free" circulating Testosterone . This is precisely what the first portion of the RecycleTM matrix accomplishes!

Tribulus Alatus (std. 70% alcoholic extract, aerial parts), a novel new relative of the tribulus family, has shown to yield significant increases in free serum testosterone levels when compared to controls in lab studies. Several alatus extracts were tested during this study and the alcoholic extract from aerial parts of the plant were shown to be the most efficacious. This is exactly the extract we use, exclusively, in Recycle!

Mucuna Pruriens (standardized for 20% L-Dopa) showed significant promise in regulating steroidgenesis by considerably increasing Testosterone, Lutenizing Hormone, Dopamine, Adrenaline, and Noradrenaline amongst a field of 75 fertile and 75 infertile men. Sperm count and sperm motility were also restored in the infertile group after treatment. L-Dopa also contains natural secretagogues which optimize endogenous Growth Hormone release by the pituitary gland. Mucuna is an overall hormone optimizer!

Basella Alba (10:1) has shown to have androgenic bioactive components increasing the Testosterone production in testes slices 34-60%. A separate study showed significant Testosterone elevation in leydig cells of bull testes while another study recorded a 17% weight gain amongst rats and a concurrent 80% increase in serum

Testosterone in just 15 days!
Icariin (40% std. from Epimedium) is the most touted flavanoid found in horny goat weed. Lab studies have verified its Testosterone mimetic capabilities by improving circulating levels of Testosterone and the condition of reproductive organs. This wonder ingredient has also been shown in vivo to be an estrogen receptor antagonist (blocking estrogen thus increasing testosterone), a vasodilator (allowing more nutrient carrying blood to the muscles), and an effective inhibitor of PDE-5, a la Viagra!
3, 4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran (95% std. from Nettle Root), extracted at the highest purity from stinging nettle root, has shown in multiple studies to have the highest binding affinity for SHBG of all lignans investigated thus far. As aforementioned, less SHBG allows greater amounts of free Testosterone!

Aromatase Inhibition/ Estrogen Modulation/ DHT Block
Now we have an abundance of FREE, muscle building Testosterone floating around ready to engage cell receptors, yet we encounter another obstacle...Aromatase. This nuisance to our precious Testosterone is an enzyme that binds to androgens and "aromatizes" (converts) them into estrogen. We must protect our precious Testosterone from aromatization much like we did earlier from SHBG.

Less Aromatase = Less Estrogen Conversion = More Testosterone Salvaged
Another menace we have to contend with is DHT (dihydrotestosterone), an endogenous androgen derived from Testosterone with an extremely high binding affinity for the androgen receptors on the prostate gland. An enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase binds to Testosterone converting it into DHT. Too much DHT is most commonly associated with causing androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness), benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), and prostate cancer. Obviously, we need to prevent the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme from binding to our Testosterone as well as excessive amounts of DHT from binding to the androgen receptor to alleviate potential side effects of increased Testosterone levels.

So now we know we need to inhibit aromatase, thus decreasing estrogen conversion, prevent excessive amounts of DHT from binding to the androgen receptor, and prevent the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase from binding to our Testosterone. The second strategic portion of the RecycleTM matrix handles all of this with ease!
Bladderwrack (Fucus Vesiculosis) has been shown to prevent the binding of estradiol and progesterone to their receptor sites thus lowering endogenous levels of both. White Button Mushroom Extract (Agaricus Bisporis) is loaded with aromatase inhibiting phytochemicals that are postulated to work through multiple inhibitory mechanisms. These compounds are so noteworthy Beckman Research Institute is presently studying for prostate and estrogen dependent breast cancer prevention! It has also been shown to inhibit the 5-alpha- reductase enzyme from binding to Testosterone and converting it to DHT.

Trans-3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene (Resveratrol), a polyphenolic compound structurally similar to estrogen, has been receiving mounds of attention as of late due to its anti-cancer, anti-estrogen, life extension, and cardiovascular benefits. For our purposes, it is included for its proven testosterone boosting, anti-aromatization, and vasodilating properties. Resveratrol has been shown in lab studies to elicit 51.6% blood Testosterone increases, and 15.8% increases in testicular sperm count. Another study displayed its inhibition of aromatase at the enzyme and mRNA level. Countless other peer reviewed research studies support and substantiate this powerful ingredients' positive effects. As mentioned above, the less aromatase we have the greater circulating Testosterone we can achieve!

Indole-3-carbinol (40% std. for 3,3-Diindolylmethane ) is a phytochemical found largely in cruciferous vegetables. One of its major metabolites is DIM (3,3-Diindolylmethane) which has been shown to steer estrogen metabolism in favor of "good" estrogen (2-hydroxyestrone/estradiol) and away from "bad" estrogen, such as 4-hydroxyestradiol. DIM represents a class of relatively non-toxic AhR-based anti-estrogens with SERM type qualities. A study done by University of California, Berkeley, showed through receptor binding assays that DIM is a strong competitive inhibitor of DHT binding to the androgen receptor.

Absorption Amplification/ Glucoronidation Prevention/ CYP3A4 Inhibition
Quercetin & Piperine (Piper nigrum) increase bioavailability either by promoting rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, by protecting the drug from being metabolized/oxidized in its first passage through the liver after being absorbed, or by a combination of these two mechanisms. They have been proven to inhibit glucoronidation in gastrointestinal transit and be CYP3A4 inhibitor, thus increasing the bioavailability of compounds. Specific studies have noted Quercetin's ability to substantially increase the bioavailability of Resveratrol in vivo.

Purus Labs ReCycle (100 Caps) Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 4 Capsules
Servings Per Container 25
Amount Per Serving
Serving % DV
HPTA Upregulation/SHBG Inhibition/Cortisol Suppression (Lutenizing Hormone/Free Testosterone Elicitation) 1431 mg -
Aromatose Inhibition/Estrogen Modulation/DHT Block 1000 mg -
Absorption Amplification/Glucoronidation Prevention/CYP3A4 Inhibition 62 mg -
Proprietary Blends
HPTA Upregulation/SHBG Inhibition/Cortisol Suppression (Lutenizing Hormone/Free Testosterone Elicitation)
Tribulus Alatus (70% extract)(aerial parts only) 500 mg, Macuna Pruriens (20% standardized for L-Dopa) 400 mg, Basella Alba (10:1) 400 mg, Icariin (40% standardized from Epimedium 250 mg, 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran (95% standardized from Nettle Root) 200 mg, Mucuna Pruriens (std. min. 99% L-Dopa)(80.8mg).
Aromatose Inhibition/Estrogen Modulation/DHT Block
Bladderwrack (Fucus Vesiculosis) 350 mg, White Button Mushroom (Agaricus Bisporis) 300 mg, Resveratrol (50% standardized from Polygonum Cuspidatum) 250 mg, Indole-3-Carbinol (40% standardized for 3,3'-Diindolylmethane) 100 mg.
Absorption Amplification/Glucoronidation Prevention/CYP3A4 Inhibition
Quercetin Anhydrous (std. min. 95% Quercetin)60 mg , Black Pepper Extract (std. min. 98%)(fruit) 1.5 mg.
*percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Ingredients: Gelatin, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, guar gum, titanium dioxide, FD&C red #3, FD&C blue #1.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Nutrition Facts are a simulation of the product's "Nutrition Label". For the actual Nutrition Label please refer to the product packaging.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Bree Homerick (Minneapolis, US)

Good test booster.

Avan Makai (Fort Wainwright, US)
Something New

I took other similar products that had a terrible taste that would sneak up on you throughout the day. That wasn't the case this time around.

Ernesto (Stockton, US)

Great product!!

Got a sample

I recommend this if you're taking other Purus Labs supplements since it's always good to stick within a brand. However, if you're just looking for a multi there are definitely better options out there for a cheaper price.

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